I have extensive education in and experience with CSS3, HTML5, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, Adobe Creative Suite, and content management systems such as WordPress, PHP-based sites, as well as MVC-based frameworks and OOP techniques. More recently, I have been working with the JAMStack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup). Building web experiences with various React/Node based frameworks, together with content management systems, Contentful for example.

As an employee I am focused, detail-oriented, and enjoy working both collaboratively and independently. As an individual, my inspiration arises from all facets of creativity: music, art, human experience, and the world in all of its varying forms, to name a few. Interaction and collaboration with others is also a major source of my own inspiration.

My goals are both professionally and personally driven. I hope to grow as a professional by continuously gaining new knowledge which will enhance my existing skills. This ties into my personal development as well, as I am constantly seeking social interaction and experiences which provide me with new ideas, insights, and perspectives.

I am a quick learner, particularly when I am working hands-on with the material. I received my formal education in Sweden, and have a great sense of humor - I can have fun in my working environment while upholding professional standards. I am willing to take risks and to try new things, and welcome increased responsibilities.